An assessment of small farmer's technical training needs in relation to technical training courses offered by Folk Development Collegs (FDCs): a case study of seven villages and Msingi FDC in Iramba district, Singida region
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University of Dar es Salaam
The purpose of the study was to make an assessment of prevailing small scale farmers' technical training needs in relation to technical training courses offered at Msingi FDC in Iramba District. It is significantly hoped that the study would provide a base for effective technical training courses for Msingi FDC and possibly for the rest of FDCs in Tanzania. The research sample comprised of 81 respondents drawn from 7 out 136 villages and Msingi FDC in Iramba District. Data were collected through documentary reviews, observations and semi-structured interviews. All instruments were pilot tested. Instruments were then revised based on the results of the pilot study. Data from documentary reviews, observations and semi-structured interviews were subjected to content analysis where relevant information of the study was extracted and presented. The findings of the study revealed that there were unattended technical training needs among small scale farmers in relation to what was being taught at Msingi FDC. Likewise, the study pointed out discrepancies which resulted out of lack of skills on part of tutors, lack of teaching materials and lack of funds. Furthermore, the study showed that village mechanization process did not go together with the kind of training offered at Msingi FDC. Finally, the study showed that the extent to which students at Msingi FDC were allowed to handle animal powered machinery was higher than the extent to which they were allowed to handle motor powered machinery. In view of the findings and conclusion of the study, a number of recommendations were provided. It was recommended that technical training courses at Msingi FDC should be organised along course unit system to enable participants to take a shorter time in acquiring skills relevant to their training needs. The study showed that the college was currently conducting long-term courses whose duration was two years. Each course involved a number of topics which were supposed to be covered by every participant. It was further recommended that engineering courses based on assessed topics should be introduced at Msingi FDC to meet small scale farmers' technical training needs.The study findings showed that only three courses namely carpentry, masonry and metal work were being conducted at Msingi FDC. On the question of skills on the part of tutors, it was suggested that they should be up-graded through in-service training courses where they will be able to acquire more skills. It was further recommended that Msingi FDC should be allocated adequate funds by the government. Lastly, it was recommended that Msingi FDC should establish an oxen training centre whereby small scale farmers will learn to train their oxen.
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Farmers, Education, Tanzania
Bisheko, J (1993) An assessment of small farmer's technical training needs in relation to technical training courses offered by Folk Development Collegs (FDCs): a case study of seven villages and Msingi FDC in Iramba district, Singida region, masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (