Members’ participation in managing and owning cooperative unions in Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study focused on examining factors that hinder members from participating fully in managing and owning cooperative unions in the process of developing these institutions and bringing sustainable development among members and the whole society in general. The study was conducted in an area with a long tradition of cooperatives compared to many other places in the country. This area studied was Karagwe district, Kagera region. However, cooperatives have been undergoing evolutions from the time they were introduced in the country. The evolutions have been being affected by the policy reforms and Act changes reflecting the socio¬economic and political changes the country has been going through. The study findings, among others, found out that in spite of the policy changes and reforms of Acts affecting cooperatives, the changes have brought little positive change in the manner of ownership and management of cooperatives. Somehow, politics still affects the freedom of cooperatives to run democratically, as sometimes decisions are made by the government instead of the members of the cooperative. Lack of sufficient education among members still hinders their participation as they lack the necessary tools to make them critical enough on the decisions made for the daily management of their institutions. In general, therefore, member involvement and participation is very limited. The study recommends, among several things, that the members who are aware with cooperative governing principles, management and other stakeholders have to educate fellow members on the need to participate in the management and ownership of the cooperative unions. The need to empower members cannot be over¬emphasized, as this remains important for the creation of strong cooperative unions, which are geared at poverty alleviation and sustainable development for the members and the country at large.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula
Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD2952.T34L8)
Cooperative, Managing
Lupogo, N (2005) Members’ participation in managing and owning cooperative unions in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.