Level of women’s awareness on the utilization of delivery health care services: a case study of Mtwara Rural District

dc.contributor.authorSao, Patricia Peter
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractPregnancy and childbirth are natural processes in a woman’s life. It is a time of expectation and joy for a woman, family and community as well, but by no means is the expecting mother risk-free in delivery due to antenatal and other associated post-partum complications. These can be worse if a woman gives birth at home without assistance from health workers. The motive for undertaking this study was drawn from a number of factors such as the rising trend of maternal mortality and low level of utilization of maternal health care in the country particularly in rural areas. The objective of the study was to investigate the level of awareness on utilization of delivery health care services in Mtwara rural district. Specifically, the study set to assess the level of delivery health care services, attendants as well as factors influencing utilization of delivery health care services. The descriptive study design was carried out in two wards and in two health facilities. In-depth interviews were conducted among women who had at least one child during the last five years and health workers from health facilities. Focus group discussions were conducted with Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs). A total number of 112 respondents were interviewed from different categories within Mahulunga and Nanguruwe wards. It was found that most women were aware of the utilization of these services but their number varied considerably. This depended on various factors such as education, marital status, education and level of understanding. Moreover, the variation was caused by the level of information received from the responsible persons. From the study findings, other factors that contributed were the utilization of health care services during delivery such as socio-economic and demographic factors.en_US
dc.identifier.citationSao, P. P (2010) Level of women’s awareness on the utilization of delivery health care services: a case study of Mtwara Rural District. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salam. Available at
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectHealth care servicesen_US
dc.subjectDelivery health care servicesen_US
dc.subjectLevel of women awarenessen_US
dc.subjectMtwara Rural Districten_US
dc.titleLevel of women’s awareness on the utilization of delivery health care services: a case study of Mtwara Rural Districten_US
