Investigations on factors which affect improvisation of physics teaching and learning materials in secondary school: a study of selected community secondary schools in Dar es Salaam Region
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study investigated factors that affect improvisation of Physics teaching and learning materials in sampled secondary schools from Dar es Salaam. The study was guided by three research objectives namely: To find out teachers, administrators and students perception of improvised teaching aids; examine the extent to which teachers’ knowledge of improvisation supported teachers in the improvisation process and finally, finding out how educational administrators support teachers in improvisation process. Respondents of this study were 200 students, 90 Physics teachers from 32 community secondary school, 27 School managers and 3 District Secondary Education Officers one from each of the three districts in Dar es Salaam namely: Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke. Simple random sampling was used to obtain student respondents while purposive sampling was used to obtain Physics teachers, schools managers and District Education Officer. The study largely employed quantitative approach using three data collection instruments, namely Questionnaire interview, and focus group discussion. The study found that Physics teachers had positive perception of improvised Physics teaching and learning materials. Physics teachers thought the improvised materials could be used to support the meaningful teaching and learning of Physics. Also the majority of physics teachers had poor background of practical work; which affected them in improvisation. Moreover both pre and in-service teachers training to larger extent did not prepared Physics teachers to effectively teach Physics in resource scarce environment. Though teachers, administrators and students positively perceived improvised materials, there was no sufficient support from administrators to enable them, improvise. The study concluded that poor background of Physics teachers, particularly in practical work, and poor teachers’ preparation, which do not emphasize on practical work, contributed much to failure of most of Physics teachers to improvise. Lack of clear stated in-service training, contributed to failure in improvisation. In addition lack of financial and material support to physics teachers, contributed much to failure of improvisation process. Lack of support for physics teachers might have been contributed among other factors, by lack of clear immediate stated plan for solving the problem of lack of teaching and learning materials and laboratory equipments.The study recommend that Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT), and other teacher professional developers have to direct teacher educational colleges to develop programs which equip Physics teacher trainees with skills on handling of Physics practical and improvisation of Physics teaching and learning materials. It also recommend that the government has to facilitate professional developers to provide in-service training for Physics teachers on how to carry out physics practical issues and improvisation of Physics teaching and learning materials. Furthermore Physics teachers have to involve their students in improvisation of simple Physics apparatus which are in the students’ capability. This can make students develop and be able to apply technological skills acquired through involvement in the process of improvisation, inside and outside the classroom.
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Physics, Teaching materials, Teaching Aids and devices, Secondary schools, Community schools, Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania
Kusaga, B.(2013). Investigations on factors which affect improvisation of physics teaching and learning materials in secondary school: a study of selected community secondary schools in Dar es Salaam Region. Master dissertation, university of Dar es Salaam. Available at (