Factors affecting smallholder cotton production in Mwanza region, Tanzania (1971-1992)
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University of Dar es Salaam
Tanzania, with an estimated population of 26 million people, has 20% of the total labour force engaged fully in the cotton industry, of which 2.3% comes from Mwanza Region. The country has also more than 60% of the total 352 million acres of land which is arable. However, it is discouraging to note that, since independence cotton production in the country has not been satisfactory. Instead of showing a steady upward trend, it has continued to experience ups and downs. This problem, is addressed in this case study of Mwanza Region which revealed the following salient features. Cotton production is affected by a host of factors notably, availability of incentive goods, storage facilities, own price, prices of other products competing for labour and population pressure as revealed by the findings of this study. In order for cotton production to succeed, there is a need for the government to debottleneck the constraints limiting cotton production e.g. improving transport and communication net-work as well as equipping ginneries with modern machinery.
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Cotton growing, Mwanza region, Tanzania
Malima, V. M (1992) Factors affecting smallholder cotton production in Mwanza region, Tanzania (1971-1992),Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (