Assessment of the impact of EPZ policy on export performance in Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study aims to assess the impact of EPZs on export performance of manufacturing industry in Tanzania. Specifically, the study assesses the impact of EPZ policy implementation on productivity of export manufacturing industry; analyzes the influence of Export Processing Zones on employment creation in manufacturing industries; and examine the impact of EPZA on attracting Foreign Direct Investment in manufacturing industry. The study employed a simple regression model to establish the relationship between export zone and other variables of interest. Three separate simple regression models were estimated with different dependent variables. The dependent variables are Employment and Exports whereas the independent variable for both models is the level of investment in EPZA. The data used in this study are time series from the year when EPZA started to operate to current. The time span however, is limited to only seven years due to the fact that EPZA is just recently introduced in Tanzania. The study found that EPZ has a significant impact on export, employment and on attracting foreign investment. Both descriptive analysis and regression models has confirmed the impact of EPZ on export, employment and on attracting foreign direct investment This study limit itself only on assessing the impact of EPZ on export, employment and foreign direct employment further can be done on the issue of technology transfer, and backward and forward linkages resulted from EPZ. It might also be useful to focus on panel data which will combine both time series and cross section data in which firms will be taken as individual specific characteristics.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Chagula Library, Class mark Dr. Wilbert ((THS EAF HF1417.T34B33)
Export processing zones, Export promotion, Tanzania
Bahati, B.B. (2015) Assessment of the impact of EPZ policy on export performance in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam