Citizens’ perceptions on ethics in the public service about corruption: a case of selected respondents in Dar es Salaam
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University of Dar es Salaam
Government interventions to corruption in Africa, including Tanzania, have been shaped by the way government officials understand corruption. Often missing were voices of ordinary citizens. Both voices are important and for effective campaigns against corruption. The primary objective of this study was to investigate citizens’ perceptions on ethics in public services about corruption. This study employed qualitative and quantitative techniques in collection and analysis of information. Qualitative data was obtained through questionnaires, and were presented in form of figures. Collection and analysis of qualitative data went together and involved a critical study of data to identify themes in the light of the research questions. Analysis of quantitative data was done after data collection, and involved simple calculations which helped to strengthen qualitative arguments. The study looks critically at what is behind deterioration of ethics and the increase of corruption in the Public Service in wider perspectives. The study found that citizens’ perceptions on ethics in the public service are closely related to corruption. Corruption among politicians and high government officials is perceived as deterioration of ethics while corruption of ordinary citizens is associated with poverty. The study suggests that there be poverty reduction programmes, gender equity, and civil education. This study concludes that, fighting corruption should comprise promotion of ethics in public service sector. The study suggests further research on the influence of socio-cultural factors on citizens’ attitude towards public service.
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Corruption, Corrupt practices, Ethics, Civil service ethics, Public service ethics, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Lubuva, P (2010) Citizens’ perceptions on ethics in the public service about corruption: a case of selected respondents in Dar es Salaam. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at