Assessment of employees’ perception of the new open performance and review appraisal system (OPRAS) in Tanzania work Organizations: the case of Public Servants at the Tanzania Police Force Headquaters; Dar es Salaam
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University of Dar es salaam
This study aimed at assessing the employees’ perception of OPRAS in Tanzania’s work organizations. The objectives were: to examine the extent to which employees’ perceptions of OPRAS depend on their position in the organization; to determine to what extent employees’ perception of OPRAS influence their perception of career development; and to establish whether employees’ perception of OPRAS has influence their performance improvement in the work organization. A case study approach was used to collect data, and the unit of inquiry was 78 public servants working as support staff at the police Force Headquarters in Dar es Salaam region. The descriptive methods of data analysis used were chi-square tests, tables and figures. The study findings revealed that the majority of employees interviewed had a high perception of OPRAS regardless of their position. It was also found that employees’ perception of career development, and that employees’ perception of OPRAS influenced their performance positively. From the findings, it was concluded that there was need to institutional OPRAS in the police Force, to link OPRAS with training and development programmes and finally there was a need for OPRAS to be conducted fairly and objectively for the better performance of the public servants at the Police Force Headquaters.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF HF5549.5R3T34M87)
Public service, Employees, Personnel managment, Rating of, Performance standards, Tanzania Police Force, Headquators
Mutahsingwa, M. H (2006) Assessment of employees’ perception of the new open performance and review appraisal system (OPRAS) in Tanzania work Organizations: the case of Public Servants at the Tanzania Police Force Headquaters; Dar es Salaam, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.