Assessment of effectiveness of electronic banking I Tanzania: The case of CRDB bank Ltd

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University of Dar es Salaam
Technology has introduced new ways of delivering banking services to customers, such as ATMs and internet Banking. Banks began to look at e-banking as a means to replace some of their traditional branch functions. E-banking products/services like ATM and electronic funds transfer were a source of differentiation for banks that utilized them. Introduction industry but at the same time, has brought some challenges. This research analyzed effectiveness of e-banking on improving performance of banking business in Tanzania. It specifically examined contributions of e-banking on banking business performance, enabling factors for e-banking and the challenges of e-banking. Also it sought to find out whether or not adoption of e-banking has brought positive changes on banking business growth. The case study method was used through sampling of respondents from CRDB Bank Ltd employees. Primary data were collected by using questionnaires; secondary data were obtained from various CRDB Bank Ltd documents such as bank’s annual reports and its website. This study has established that introduction of e-banking has increased the bank’s profitability due to fast and reliable services offered by e-banking, increased customer base, quality customer services, and low overhead expenses.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF HG1708.7.T34E49)
Bank and banking, Electronic banking, CRDB bank, Tanzania
Emilian, p (2007) Assessment of effectiveness of electronic banking I Tanzania: The case of CRDB bank Ltd, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.