Factors contributing to the mobile banking usage in Tanzania

dc.contributor.authorHamisi, Bunaya Mngwale
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThe growth of ICT has led to the emergency of a more flexible way of conducting financial transaction, making it available everywhere 24/7. This paper aims at investigating the factors contributing to the mobile banking usage. Regression and correlation technique were used to analyze data which obtained from Songea municipal where questionnaires were used to collect data from users of mobile phones. The total number of questionnaires distributed was 120 out of which 105 questionnaires were properly filled in and returned. The data collected were analyzed using multiple regression analysis to evaluate the factors determining mobile banking usage. The findings shows that perceived risk, information, and perceived cost have significant relationships mobile banking adoption. The results show that more than two thirds of the variance in the mobile banking usage was well explained by the three independent variables that is perceived risk, information, and perceived cost.The findings offer valuable insights to policy makers and to practitioners in particular on the factors determining mobile banking usage. The results allow decision makers to develop strategies that can increase mobile banking usage. Service providers should also improve the security and privacy of the mobile banking, which will increase the trust of users. Also, the government should work together with other stakeholders to come up with law and regulations which will help to reduce cyber crime and encourage mobile banking usage.en_US
dc.identifier.citationHamisi, B.M(2012),Factors contributing to the mobile banking usage in Tanzania , master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam (available at)en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectFactors contributingen_US
dc.subjectmobile banking usageen_US
dc.titleFactors contributing to the mobile banking usage in Tanzaniaen_US
