Teacher training and its impact on teacher ethics in secondary schools in moshi rural district
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The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of teacher training procedures on teachers' practices and ethics within teacher training colleges (TTCs) and in secondary schools. This comes in the wake of an increased incidence of misdemeanors among teachers and a relaxed adherence to the code of teacher ethics and conduct. Moreover, the study examined teacher recruitment and enrolment procedures and teacher training/education programmes, which enabled the researcher to see whether or not and how the elements of teacher ethics are emphasized in those stages of teacher preparation. The study was conducted in Kilimanjaro region, specifically in Moshi Rural District. It involved two TTCs and three secondary schools, which entailed 125 respondents from the sampled district. The study also involved student teachers from TTCs and their tutors, secondary school teachers, heads of schools, as well as various educational officials from the Teacher Service Department (the then Teacher Service Commission), the Teachers' Association, and the Teacher Education Department. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods. As well, a multiple or collective case study research design was used. The study employed questionnaires, interviews and documentary reviews, as the main data collection methods, which were simultaneously applied. As the findings revealed, teacher education programmes in TTCs have neglected the subject on teachers' professional ethics and have thus become less responsive to the aspect of teachers' ethical values. Weak educational management and administration created other problems resulting into poor control of teachers' conduct. Yet it seemed that most officers who are responsible for guiding teachers' discipline use most of their time in their offices. They do not set time and workable strategies to train, guide and counsel teachers on a proper code of conduct. Recommendations given from the study include a revisiting and reinstatement of the previous ways of recruiting teachers by considering the candidates' conduct while at school and other factors before allowing them to enrol into the teaching profession. Recommendations from community leaders as well as educational committees established or empowered to execute such a responsibility at district, regional and national levels should also be considered. Furthermore, teacher-trainers should improve and enrich their programmes and the organs such as TTCs and TED should set conditions which are favourable to the delivery of proper education on teacher ethics and quality teaching service to the society. This is because the quality of teachers and their ethics depends largely on the quality of their previous education; and the one that comes after their entrance into the teaching profession is through in-service training (INSET).