Analysis of customer satisfaction with technology based services offered by banks in Tanzania



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University of Dar es Salaam


The main objective of this study was to assess the level of customer satisfaction with ICT-based services offered by banks in Tanzania by focusing on NMB as a case study. Specifically, the study sought to identify the benefits of using ICT-based services among NMB customers, asses customers’ satisfaction with ICT-based services offered by NMB and identify determinants of customer satisfaction with ICT-based services.The methodology used to conduct this study included the use of data collection tools namely questionnaires and interviews. The study used primary and secondary data. The study has revealed that information technology is extremely important in achieving customer satisfaction in the banking industry. Information technology has significantly increased customer’s satisfaction with the products and services offered by NMB. It has also, increased the operational efficiency of NMB as less time is required to process more transactions.In view of the findings from the research work, it is recommended that all banks should utilize information technology to render services that meet the needs of the customers and if there are changes in the customer lifestyle, the banks should change the way they offer their services. This will help to increase the level of customer satisfaction and improve the performance of banks in the industry.


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Customer satisfaction, ICT based services, National Microfinance Banks (NMB), Tanzania


Abdallah, J.(2012) Analysis of customer satisfaction with technology based services offered by banks in Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Avaialble at (