A study on girls’ participation in science education in Tanzania: a focus on the teaching of chemistry in selected secondary schools in Tanga region
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Gender disparity in education particularly in physical science subjects is a high problem in Tanzania. The proportion of female students at school and graduates whose career options are science based is lower compared to males. This research investigated causes for female students to avoid physical science subjects at Ordinary level secondary schools. Chemistry subject was used as a case study. The study was conducted at nine secondary schools in five districts of Tanga region. Participants of the study were form three secondary school girls and Chemistry subject teachers. Data were collected through interview to both students and subject teachers. Classroom as well as laboratory practical sessions were respectively used. Quantitative data were subjected to calculation and reported in percentages. Qualitative data was used where appropriate. Findings from the study revealed that teaching methods were not in favour of female students such that they were not self-propelled to carry out practical activities. Findings also showed that unless female students would be encouraged, they were not self-propelled to carry out practical activities. They depended on boys in groups performing laboratory experiments while they watched. Thus, female students’ participation in physical science subjects is still disappointing; and that teachers have a room to improve their teaching styles to encourage more girls to like not only Chemistry but also all the science subjects taught in schools. In addition, the long held gender stereotypes, low self-esteem among female students towards science in both school and science related careers beyond schooling greatly contributed to the low female students’ involvement in pure science subjects. From the findings of the study, several recommendations were suggested. First, girls’ schools (preferably with boarding/hostel services) should be increased as envisaged in the EPT (1995:19) due to their significance in confidence building among female students. Second, the government should emphasize on building and equipping school science laboratories. Third, female students’ interest in Chemistry (and science in general) should be raised.