Collection security management of information resources in university libraries: a case of University of Dar es salaam Dr. Wilbert Chagula main library

dc.contributor.authorMaro, Amedeus
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of the study was to investigate collection security management practices for the prevention of loss and damages of information resources and propose measures Istrategies to improve and enhance security management at University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Dr. Wilbert Chagula main library. Specifically the study sought to examine existing security management practices for the protection of information resources at UDSM Dr. Wilbert Chagula main library, assess the effectiveness of collection security management at UDSM Dr. Wilbert Chagula main library, examine the type of collection which are more vulnerable to security breaches and propose measures Istrategies for improving and enhancing collection security management at UDSM library. The study employed a survey research design. The study used sample of 100 respondents including librarians, library users and library administrators who were selected simple random probability, non-probability, and purposive sampling techniques. Empirical data for the study were collected using questionnaires, interviews and observation and then analyzed, derived and presented in figures, charts, tables and text. Key findings revealed that UDSM Dr. Wilbert Chagula main library faces many challenges of collection security management that hinders quality of services including lack of security personnel, poor library layout, lack of library security policy and procedures, and most of the library staff fail to handle the security incidences due to lack of training on security of information materials. In the view of the above the study recommends that resource sharing amongst libraries be encouraged and enhanced, library should photocopy or duplicate highly demanded text books and place them in specific reserve section; library staff be highly committed to their work in order to guard against collusion with unscrupulous clients; library security within and outside the library be improved, redesigned existing, regular inspection of library suspects.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMaro, A. (2017) Collection security management of information resources in university libraries: a case of University of Dar es salaam Dr. Wilbert Chagula main library, Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectUniversity and Collegeen_US
dc.subjectSecurity measuresen_US
dc.subjectBook theftsen_US
dc.subjectUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectDr. Wilbert Chagula main libraryen_US
dc.titleCollection security management of information resources in university libraries: a case of University of Dar es salaam Dr. Wilbert Chagula main libraryen_US
