Parents and teachers' perceptions towards the provision of pre-primary education at mbozi district-Tanzania
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This study was done to explore the perceptions of parents and teachers towards the provision of ECE at Mbozi district in Songwe region Tanzania. Four researchers of parents objectives guided this study, namely: examining the roles and obligation and teachers towards the provision of ECE, establishing the forms of participation among parents and teachers in the provision of ECE, examining the challenges encountered by parents and teachers in the provision of ECE and exploring the parents and teachers' opinions towards the strategies to be undertaken to improve the provision of ECE. Qualitative research approach with multiple case study design was 40 participants, employed. Purposive sampling procedures were used to obtain lass teachers and 30 parents of pre-namely: five head teachers, five pre-primary primary pupils. The methods of data collection included semi-structured interviews, FGDs and documentary review. Qualitative content analysis procedures were used to analyze the data. The findings of this study indicated that the major roles of parents in the provision of ECE involved taking their children to ECE canters, provision of teaching and learning materials, the provision of food and school uniform. For teachers, the findings indicated that teachers' major roles and obligations in ECE activities involved preparing teaching and learning materials, teaching children and assessing pupils' learning progress among others. The noted forms of participation among parents and teachers in the provision of ECE were: the provision of teaching and learning facilities, the contribution of food and money, parents and teachers' communication and through teaching and making follow-ups of pupils' learning progress. The findings further indicated that parents and teachers encountered several challenges in the provision of ECE, including, the shortage and unqualified profession ECE teachers, inadequate financial resources, inadequate teaching and learning facilities and long distance between the home and school. These problems adversely affected the implementation of ECE within the studied area. Also the study findings established that the opinions of parents and teachers towards the strategies to be undertaken to improve the provision of ECE involved, making ECE Centre’s widely available, availability of adequate fund, availability of adequate teaching and learning materials and the availability of professional trained ECE teachers. The study finding further recommended that the government through PO-ORAG and MoEST should provide adequate support towards improving ECE particularly employing adequate and qualified professional ECE teachers, supplying adequate ECE teaching and learning resources and providing financial supports for running the provision of ECE. Finally, since this study was done only in one district using a small sample and therefore the results could not be generalized, the study recommended for other similar studies to be replicated involving more districts for comparison and generalization purposes.