Assessment of the status of primary schools as health promoting arena in Kigamboni district
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This study assessed the status of primary schools in Kigamboni district as health promoting area. four objectives guided the study, namely (i) To identify health promoting programmes existing in primary schools in Kigamboni, District (ii) To assess the likehood of relationship that exists in health programmes between public and privately owned primary schools in Kigamboni, (iii) To examine challenges facing primary schools when delivering Health Promoting Programmes (HPPs) and Health Promoting Schools (HPSs) and (iv) To recommend solutions for challenges facing delivery of HPPs and HPSs. The study used mixed methods research approach. A total of 212 respondents were selected through simple random sampling, purposive sampling and stratified random sampling. Data was collected using interview, focus group discussion, questionnaire and observation. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse quantitative data by comparing means between public and private primary schools while qualitative data were subjected to content analysis in order to complete results from quantitative data sets. The findings revealed that there were differences in health promoting programmes identified in private and public primary schools. The findings further indicated that HPPs and HPSs are compromised by inadequate physical, human and financial resources in order. The study recommends that schools should have comprehensive HPPs guided by policies, supported by physical infrastructure, modelled by health education programmes conducted by trained practitioners and embraced by community linkages and networks.