Factors influencing teachers’ motivation for a teaching career among Kinondoni secondary schools in Dar es salaam-Tanzania

dc.contributor.authorKilanga, Menrufu
dc.descriptionAvailable in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB2844.T34K54)en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study sought to analyse factors behind teachers’ motivation for a teaching career among Kinondoni secondary school teachers. More specifically, the study aimed at describing teachers’ current working condition, to determine the status of teaching profession in Tanzanian secondary schools, and lastly to identify teachers’ expectations from the schools. The methodology was based on qualitative paradigm. The area of study was Kinondoni Municipal covering five secondary schools. The study sample comprised of 87 respondents under the following categories: one (1) Municipal Education Officer, one Teachers’ Service department Secretary, five (5) heads of schools, Sixty (60) teachers and Twenty (20) teachers. The data collection methods were face to face interviews, focus group discussions, observation, survey and questionnaires. The data collected were analysed through content analysis. The major findings revealed that several factors influenced teachers’ motivation for a teaching career. The key factors were; availability of teaching and learning materials, teachers transport facilities, economic incentives such as loans; allowances and the like. Additionally, it was revealed that the teachers’ status was paramount to attract teachers for a teaching career/profession. The decline of teachers status was attributed to conditions such as community perception and inadequate remuneration reflected in teachers’ low living standards. However, the study established that teachers expected a lot from the school / organization leadership; they expect things timely promotion, sufficient salaries, incentives and in-service training/ advancement. Over all the findings revealed that in government schools, the working and living conditions for teachers were not encouraging as compared to private schools due to serious commitment done by the administrators. Secondly, there was a general decline of the status of teaching profession in Tanzanian due to negative community perception for those entering teaching profession. Thirdly, teachers’ expectations from the schools/organizations differed between government and private schools in terms of good salaries, incentives, in-service training and other remuneration. Teachers in government schools were not provided incentives and other related motivation as compared to private secondary schools where there were availability of reasonable salaries and incentives. The study came up with the following conclusions; first, the teaching and learning conditions are not encouraged, secondly, there is the decline of status of teaching profession in Tanzania and that the public secondary schools are more intimidated. Furthermore, teachers expect various opportunities from the school institution including; promotion, salaries, in-service training just to mention a few. Based on these findings the study recommends among other things that, there should be deliberate measures to encourage the communities, educators and other education stakeholders, in mobilizing the society community taking part in supporting teachers in terms monetary and non-monetary materials as to motivate them.en_US
dc.identifier.citationKilanga, M. (2014) Factors influencing teachers’ motivation for a teaching career among Kinondoni secondary schools in Dar es salaam-Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.publisherUnversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectKinondoni Secondary Schoolsen_US
dc.subjectDar es Salaamen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing teachers’ motivation for a teaching career among Kinondoni secondary schools in Dar es salaam-Tanzaniaen_US