The role of school management teams in facilitating academic performance in public secondary schools in form four national examinations in Tanzania: the case of Moshi municipality and Moshi rural district
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This study examined the roles of School Management Teams (SMTs) in facilitating academic performance of Form Four students in public secondary schools in Moshi Municipality and Moshi Rural district. The study had four objectives: to assess the structure of SMTs in public secondary schools, to identify challenges encountered and strategies used respectively by SMTs in facilitating academic performance of Form Four students in public secondary schools. Lastly, to investigate measures taken on schools with low academic performance in Form Four national examinations. The study employed qualitative approach aided by quantitative elements and in particular employing descriptive survey design. It involved 165 respondents of whom 96 were students, 45 teachers, eight Heads of schools (HOSs), eight academic officers, six school bursars and two District Secondary Education Officers (DSEOs). Systematic sampling technique was used for students while teachers and sampled schools were selected by simple random sampling. HOSs, academic officers, school bursars and DSEOs were purposively selected. The study used questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentary review as data collection methods. Thematic analysis and descriptive statistics analysis was used to analyse the data, summarize and present in tables, graphs and charts by assistance of SPSS version 17.0 Findings from the field indicated that public secondary school teachers and members of SMTs knew the structure of SMT in public secondary schools and were satisfied with it. Politics in academic matters, poor cooperation from parents, lack of teaching and learning materials, absence of libraries and laboratories with inadequate laboratory equipments were the major challenges facing SMTs in facilitating students’ academic performance. All eight schools in the study area used remedial teaching as a means of improving students’ academic performance. Other strategies were rewards, provision of more exercise and encouraging punctuality. On the other hands the study revealed that DSEOs who were very close to HOSs had no authority to discipline HOSs with low academic performance. There is need for SMTs to put more effort to facilitate student performance in public secondary schools in Tanzania. Therefore, it is recommended that SMTs should set strategies which will motivate parents to pay school fees and other contributions on time. The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT) and Prime Minister Office for Regional and Local Government Authority (PMORLGA) should provide capitation grants to schools on time. Also MoEVT and PMORLGA should allow SMTs to collect money from all stakeholders for solving shortage of teaching and learning facilities and materials. Lastly, more mandates should be given to DSEOs and School Inspectors to employ fire and control the resources found at schools in their districts.