Assessment of impact of trade liberalisation on Tanzania trade balance 1975 - 2005: an econometric analysis
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study is about assessment of impact of trade liberalization on Tanzania balance of trade and other factors that influencing it. It shows that apart from the fact that Tanzania has been undertaking various macroeconomic reforms including trade liberalization but she still facing deficit balance of trade since 1970's. The study also reveals that Tanzania has not been performing well in external sector since early 1970s which in tum lead to low export and high import. This low performance is caused by a number of factors among others include, inappropriate policies adopted in accessing foreign markets, non trade barriers in the foreign markets, supply side constraints, soft and hard infrastructure constraints. The study shows that trade liberalization and other factors such as household consumptions, government expenditure, real exchange rate and foreign direct investments are contributing toward worsening Tanzania trade balance. But only income to the rest of the world is variable which improve Tanzania trade balance. Tanzania government has to do a lot of things in order to improve her balance of trade by employing various measures among others are: - creation of policies which would make our local products to access foreign markets, the government has to reduce its expenditure on luxury goods, addressing supply side constraints, to attract foreign direct investments for foreign market, to sensitize the public to consume local products and to increase negotiation on removal of Non Tariff Barrier in foreign markets.
Available in print form, EAF collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF HD87T34M54 )
Planning, Economic development, Economic growth, Production, Trade balance
Manumbu, V.B ( 2007 ) Assessment of impact of trade liberalisation on Tanzania trade balance 1975 - 2005: an econometric analysis, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.