The analysis of factors affecting customer satisfaction in financial institution: the case of Akiba commercial bank
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study aimed at examining the impact of reliability, bureaucracy, tangibility, and
professionalism on customer satisfaction. The above four factors if achieved, will
lead to the service quality and later customer satisfaction. About 92% of the current
users of banking services who were given the questionnaires participated in this
study. The objectives of study were; to evaluate the extent of which reliability of
bank services lead to customer satisfaction, to evaluate the extent at which the
bureaucracy affect customer satisfaction, to evaluate the extent at which Tangibility
of environment affect customer satisfaction and to evaluate the extent at which
professionalism of staff affect customer satisfaction. Regression analysis was conducted to test the relationship between service quality
and levels of customer satisfaction. Results indicated that reliability significantly and
positively influenced customer attitudes in terms of satisfaction and loyalty. In
addition, t-test results showed that there was insignificant relationship between the
perceived customer satisfaction and tangibility, bureaucracy and professionalism
attributes of the service quality dimensions. However, in today‟s competitive business world customers are considered to be
kings. Customers have many choices to make among alternative products, and they
do influence the market with respect to product size, quality and price. Hence, it is
important for service providers and producers to meet the needs of customers in
order to stay competitive. Banks have to improve their services in terms of
reliability, bureaucracy, tangibility for convenience, and exert more efforts into
waving professionalism in what the entire bank offer as product in the market.
Available in print form
Customer satisfaction, Customer services, Akiba Commercial Bank
Mwakigomba, S. E (2012) The analysis of factors affecting customer satisfaction in financial institution: the case of Akiba commercial bank, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. (Available at