The implementation of open and distance learning in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Unversity of Dar es Salaam
This study sought to investigate the Implementation of Open and Distance Learning in Dar es Salaam Region. The objectives of the study were; assessing factors fosters Open and Distance Learning in higher learning institutions, finding out importance of Open and Distance Learning in higher learning institutions and examining challenges facing Open and Distance Learning in higher learning institutions. The study was guided by the constructivist theories which insist on the need for flexibility to allow multiple perspectives. The study used mainly qualitative approach. The instruments used to collect data were focused group discussions, interviews and documentary review. Findings revealed that there are implementations of Open and Distance Learning among the sampled ODL centres. The operation of Open and Distance Learning is affected positively and negatively by number of factors such as influence of globalization which resulted to change of size, nature and corpus of Open and Distance Learning, ICT which facilitate the correspondence between lecturers and students through Internet. Findings revealed further that there are factors forced implementation of Open and Distance Learning programmes such as need of increase accessibility of education to large number of Tanzanians who are in need of educational opportunities and fostering lifelong learning that facilitate working skills improvement and upgrade carrier. Moreover Open and Distance Learning is faced with challenges that hinder the operation of Open and Distance Learning programmes, these include environmental challenges such remoteness in terms of distance hinder the accessibility of Internet services and ODL centres, fiscal challenges, include high cost of transport, learning resources and tuition fees, social challenges such as combining work with studies and taking care of family. The study recommends that directors and lecturers should appropriately use the available scarce teaching and learning resources. Furthermore, government in collaboration with ODL institutions has to provide backup generators, modems and towers nearby ODL centres so as to combat the problem of electricity and Internet network. Additionally, fund raising should be conducted through contribution from educational partners for daily operation of Open and Distance Learning.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LC5808.T34H38)
Distance education, Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania
Haule, B. P. (2015) The implementation of open and distance learning in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam