Investigation on challenges facing sme’s in raising finance from the stock market: a case of Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange
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The university of Dar es Salaam
The aim of this study was to investigate the challenges facing SMEs in raising finance from the stock market, in particular factors that hinder the SMEs not to list with Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange. A case study approach was adapted to in the study. Quantitative research tools included information from the surveyed 32 SMEs, 12 Brokers and 10 staffs at the DSE and CMSA. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 was used for data analysis. Both descriptive and exploratory data analysis have been used and the results have been presented in tables and graphs. Data from open ended questions and interview were coded, then sorted into main themes categorized and frequency counted. Findings indicate that willingness of the SMEs owners to join the stock exchange is influenced by the conditions set by the DSE, nature of business ownership and capital accessible from financial institutions. Brokers play a major role in linking various investors and the stock market. They do provide technical support to whoever is in need of and this influences the SMEs managers in making decision on how to invest at the DSE. Both the SMEs respondents, brokers and the staffs at the CMSA and DSE agreed that the conditions are so strict to the extent that they cannot easily be fulfilled by SMEs. Therefore, there is a need of increasing public awareness and education, SME’s should have good records of their business in order to be assessed by their advisors in the process of listing.
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Small business, Finance, Stock exchange, Dar ea salaa stock Exchange
Solomon, M.J.(2012). Investigation on challenges facing sme’s in raising finance from the stock market: a case of Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. Masters dissertation, university of Dar es Salaam. Available at (