Linking Institutional changes with natural resource management in Tanzania: The case of Community Water Resource Management in Hai District, Pangani River Basin, Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study examines the link between institutional changes at the national level and the sustainable use and management of water resource s at the local level. The study uses the case study approach, Hai District i n Kilimanjaro region being the selected research area. The study looks into the process of institutional change i n Tanzania's water sector from the pre-colonial period to the end of 1990s. Collection of data was mainly through archival research, documentary review and fieldwork i n the study area, involving district level institutional actors and four villages.The findings established by the study reflect, among others, two important aspects: (i) water availability, quality and community access, (i i) adequacy of the existing institutional framework for management of the water sector. In the study area, research findings show a steady decline in availability of good quality Water, and as well as growing inequalities in accessing water. The study further shows that, for the local community, availability of water in the district does not necessarily mean equity in accessing it. Corresponding to the growing inequalities in accessing water, the study findings also show the inadequacy of the existing institutional framework in managing water resources, specifically at community level. The existing framework, and the change processes surrounding it,do not provide a mechanism for participation of local communities in the management of water and in the decision making structures. The framework has historically undergone changes that are dictated by expansion of market economy. Based on these findings, the study recommends the government to should single out water as a sensitive resource, and create an enabling environment for the participation of local communities in water resource management as a pre requisite for institutional change and/or reform processes. The study also recommends that the government should strengthen its regulatory function in the management of water resources, specifically by ensuring coherence between policy and legislation
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TD 927.T34B87)
Water Resources, Management, Water supply, rural, Tanzania, Hai district, Pangani river basin
Burra, R (2001) Linking Institutional changes with natural resource management in Tanzania: The case of Community Water Resource Management in Hai District, Pangani River Basin, Tanzania.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.