Social protection of elderly people: a case study of Fungafunga old age home, Morogoro municipality - Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study investigated social protection of old people living in old age homes, and in particular people living at Fungafunga old age home, Morogoro Municipality. The study involved 55 respondents comprising old people and workers from Fungafunga and Social Welfare Officers from Morogoro Municipal and Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Data for this study were collected through interviews, direct observation, questionnaire, focus group discussions and document reviews. The study revealed that, the state of infrastructure, financial resources and human personnel’s in Fungafunga old age home are poor which leads to low quality of services provided to the elderly people. Furthermore, the study noted that services offered to the elderly people are not only of low quality but also inadequate. This was linked with the reasons that the Social Welfare Department is given inadequate budget by the government, poor leadership and management, lack of commitment among workers and lack of involvement of the elderly themselves and social workers in planning and budgeting process. There is also no auditing on old age homes budget and the implementation of government policies regarding the elderly is poor. The study recommends the improvement of infrastructure, free access of health services by the elderly, increase in the budget of old age homes and participation of workers and the elderly in planning and budgeting processes.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HV1487.T34M852)
Aged, Public welfare, Fungafunga old age home, Morogoro municipality, Tanzania
Mwani, R. (2014) Social protection of elderly people: a case study of Fungafunga old age home, Morogoro municipality - Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.