Problems of food production: a case study of peasant experiences in two villages in Singida district

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University of Dar es Salaam
This dissertation has attempted to explore at the micro-level the various factors affecting food production and supply. The study is based on written sources of information and on concrete investigation of peasant experiences in the villages visited. The field investigation was carried out in Mtunduru and Ughande 'B' villages in Singida District. The term "food" is a general one which embraces many types of food eaten by human beings. This dissertation does not claim to deal with all types of food, rather it has confined itself to the most popular food in Tanzania - that is the grains. The research has revealed that the problem of food shortage is a function of several interrelated factors the major ones being the weather conditions and other ecological factors, state agricultural policies and the general level of development of the productive forces in the agricultural sector and the economy as a whole. The solution to the present food problem lies in the radical transformation of the agricultural sector and the economy as a whole so that f food production is given adequate priority and the productive forces are raised to a higher level to ensure higher productivity. This is a political question that requires a revolutionary answer. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter one provides the background to the problem, the objectives of the study, and the social significance of the same. Chapter two has attempted to analyse some of the major issues related with food production such as the role of imperialism ecological factors, government policies, post harvest losses and the question of productive forces and relations of production. Chapter three explains the area of study and the basic methods used in data collection. Chapter four discusses the research findings as related to the problem defined in chapter one. The last chapter summarises the major findings and draws some tentative recommendations aimed at solving the food problem.
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Food production, Singida (Region), Tanzania, Villages, Singida (region), Peasantry
Mwangu, M. A (1982) Problems of food production: a case study of peasant experiences in two villages in Singida district, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )