Learners` evaluation of complementary basic education programme (COBET) in Kisarawe district.

dc.contributor.authorLevira, Basilina
dc.descriptionAvailable in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1028.T34L8)en_US
dc.description.abstractThis case study sought to investigate how learners evaluated the Complementary Basic Education (COBET) programme as an alternative to assessing an educational programme from external evaluators' perspective. The study was carried out at Chang'ombe and Maneromango Sokoni COBET centres in Kisarawe District. The study involved twenty respondents identified through stratified sampling. Collection of data involved documentary review, individual in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The analytical framework employed a content analysis technique. Findings revealed that learners were positive about the non-imposition of school uniform, absence of corporal punishment, absence of financial contributions, availability of textbooks and facilitator's love and care for the learners. The negative aspects mentioned include incompetent facilitators, unconducive learning environment, lack of playgrounds, inadequate exercise books, non-existence of co-curriculum activities, lack of lunch at the centres and learning being assessed only through written tests. It has also been revealed that for any learning programme to succeed, the inner culture of the programme setting is a very important background component that must be set right before one embarks on the respective programme.en_US
dc.identifier.citationLevira, B. (2002). Learners` evaluation of complementary basic education programme (COBET) in Kisarawe district. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectPrimary educationen_US
dc.subjectEducation evaluationen_US
dc.titleLearners` evaluation of complementary basic education programme (COBET) in Kisarawe district.en_US
