An Assessment Of Pedp Implementation

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University of Dar es Salaam
PEDP interventions focusing on primary education quality improvements in Mara region were examined and assessed to find out to what they have contributed in the realization of high quality education. The study sought to find out the prevailing conditions of educational infrastructure in Mara region primary schools and the performance of pupils at the end of each grade and in the PSLE ,A sample of 712 respondents from 60 primary schools in all districts of Mara region MOEC and PO-RALG officials DEDs and schools inspectors provided the requisite data. Findings indicate that there had been an increase in enrolment and high level of gender parity as results of abolition of schools fees and all other mandatory contribution in and rules and regulations in the primary educations system. A large number of children enrolled under the COBET programmer were not schooling as the district councils have not yet received funds from the central governments for the programmer implementation. It is recommended that the school head teachers and teachers be trained on the process of developing a sound vision; teachers recruitment should be decentralized to district level; INSET courses be provided regularly to teachers, the schools inspectors should be empowered in terms of human and financial resources and transport facilities.
Available in print form,East Africana Collection ,Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library,Class mark ( THS EAF LB 2822.75M78)
Education evaluation, Primary education development plan(PEDP), Mara region
Louis,M. M (2005) An Assessment Of Pedp Implementation,Master Dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam,Dar es Salaam.