Influence of Polygyny on Fertility in Zanzibar: a case of North Region, Unguja

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study attempts to investigate the influence of polygyny on fertility in Zanzibar. A sample of 204 married women aged 15-49 years in North Region, Unguja were selected and interviewed. It also analyses the influence of education, place of residence, occupation and age at first marriage on the fertility of monogamously and polygynous married women.The results from the study show that the mean age at first marriage is 18.1 years. The region experiences high fertility with TFR of 6.8 and the mean number of children per women is 5.2.The study shows that 39 percent of women in polygynous marriages had a maximum of 4-6 children. The results show that 25 percent of polygynously married women had 7-9 children while 22 percent of monogamously married women had the same number of children. Polygynous married women who had 10-15 children were 10 percent while those who were monogamously married women were only 5.8 percent. The results further show that the fertility levels vary between monogamous and polygynous women. The fertility of women in polygynous marriages was higher than that of women in monogamous marriages. These results may imply that more effort should be made by the government to enhance women so as to enable them to engage in skillful employment activities which will in turn reduce their fertility.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF HB1108.T34M34)
Fertility, Unguja, Zanzibar
Makame, Salama Ramadhan (2007) Influence of Polygyny on Fertility in Zanzibar: a case of North Region, Unguja, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam