Constraints to educational advancement for in-service women in Tanzania: A Case Study of Dar es Salaam Region

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University of Dar es Salaam
The aim of the study was to examine constraints to educational advancement among in- service women in Dar es Salaam region. Specifically, the study sought to identify how socio-cultural and socio-economic factors influence in-service women’s training the study examined different in-service training policies and programs. The main method of data collection was survey with a additional information being collected through Focus Group Discussions. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in data analysis. The study reveals that, in-service educational advancement and training opportunities for women was seriously constructed by the patriarchal system that greatly influences the place of work in Tanzania. Efforts to redress the foregoing through gender sensitive policies and affirmative action have not borne any fruits. Women in both private and public institutions continue to be limited in terms of further training. The study further revealed that, the management of institutions was not open and flexible in ensuring equal training opportunities. This is because organizations especially public organizations, had overly bureaucratic and authoritative procedures in implementing training schemes and training policies in their training programmes. This study also reveals that in-service w omen w ere bounded by family responsibilities such as house chores and child care, which made them to end up with short-term training programmes, which did not advance their educational levels significantly. The study concludes that, training policies had failed to ensure truly equitable and accessible education to in-service women in advancing their careers. The study recommends that public and private organizations should ensure that at least every in- service person has an equal opportunity to compete for access to national resources including training opportunities. The study further recommends that, the training opportunities should be open and equally distributed but the redress of the existing imbalances, in-service women should be given priority in advancing their education.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LC1461.05)
Constraints to educational advancement, in-service women, Tanzania, socio-cultural, socio-economic
Omari, L N (2006), Constraints to educational advancement for in-service women in Tanzania: A Case Study of Dar es Salaam Region, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam