The state of records management in the national social security fund headquarters, Dar es Salaam
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The study investigated the state of records management in the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) headquarters, Dar-es-salaam. It also identified the bottlenecks encountered in the NSSF records management and provided recommendations on how those problems could be solved. The findings of the study revealed that the state of the records management at NSSF does not support the records life cycle theory as propounded by several authors. Efficient records management is affected by lack of Records Management Programme/ directive or policies, lack of training and lack of support from the top management of the NSSF. Others are lack of awareness of records management by the decision-makers and lack of comprehensive scheme of service and inadequate equipment, tools and facilities relevant to records management. Recommended solutions include; the establishment of a comprehensive records management policy aimed at an integrated approach to the management of whole life cycle theory of records, the provision of enough storage area, trained personnel, equipment, good classification and indexing systems. Others include the establishment of repositories for managing the records, and finally determining methods of evaluation of all phases of the records management program.