Supply and demand factors influencing access and usage of scientific and technical information (STI) among small scale coffee growers in Mbinga district Ruvuma region: case studies of Maguu, Mapera and Langiro Wards

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University of Dar es salaam
This study examined supply and demand factors that determine and limit production, dissemination, access, acquisition and use of STI among coffee growers in selected wards in Mbinga District namely: Langiro, Mapera and Maguu. A total of 79 respondents participated in this study. Of these 60 were small scale coffee growers who were selected using probability sampling and 19 were information agencies (Suppliers of STI) who were selected using purposive sampling technique. Primary data were collected through a structured standardised questionnaire with both open and close ended questions, focus group discussions and observations. Secondary data were collected through documentary review in which both published and unpublished books, reports, dissertations and thesis, government and research reports, journal articles and e-resources were viewed and major points summarized. Data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. SPSS package version 16 was used to derive percentages, tables, charts and graphs. Key findings revealed that Information is a key ingredient in everyday life of the individual and society at large. Demand factors that determine access, acquisition and use of STI by small scale coffee growers are managerial and administrative efficiency, energy and power supply, inadequate infrastructure, policy and legal frameworks, information format, language, time, price, level of income, altitude, literacy level, culture, type of information provider, competing goal of information provider and level of skills and technology. By the same token, supply factors that determine and limit production and dissemination of STI include availability of resources, trained human resources, managerial efficiency (accountability), production costs, infrastructure, institutional repository, time, price, level of technology, power supply, policy and legal frameworks. The study recommends that efficient administrative support system for agricultural activities, managerial skills, adequate budgets, improved physical and information infrastructure, and close collaboration between information providers and coffee growers is needed. Furthermore, it is recommended that a national policy on information should be formed and the government should invest in education and training of both producers and consumers of STI and in Research and Development.
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Coffee growers, Agriculture, Information services, Mbinga district, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania
Msuha, A.A(2012), Supply and demand factors influencing access and usage of scientific and technical information (STI) among small scale coffee growers in Mbinga district Ruvuma region: case studies of Maguu, Mapera and Langiro Wards , master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam (available at