Impact of education on marital fertility: a case study of Mwanga district rural
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study examines the effects of education on some selected important proximate determinants of fertility in Mwanga district being marriage patterns with a stress on age at first marriage, durations of breastfeeding and modern use of contraception. Then, the study tries to examine the effects of the aforementioned proximate determinants on marital fertility with reference to the woman's and husband's educational attainment. Marital fertility in this context is measured by the mean number of children ever born. To facilitate the study, a survey was conducted between July and August 1993 in which data collection was mainly done by a questionnaire. The study is comprised of six chapters. Chapter one being an introductory chapter consisting of the background to the problem, the statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, conceptual framework and the significance of the study. Literature review and the hypotheses guiding the study are the main areas discussed in chapter two. Chapter three dwells on the survey methodology by showing the procedures followed in selecting the surveyed areas and the way data was collected, problems encountered while conducting the survey and data processing. Data presentation and discussion on the findings of the survey are the main aspects of chapters four and five. Using the univariate analysis, education is shown to affect fertility through raising age at marriage, reducing the durations in breastfeeding and encouraging the use of the modern contraception. In this study, male education has revealed weaker association in almost all aspects. Chapter six presents a discussion on the implication of the findings as presented in chapter four and five. On the basis of the findings and their implied implications, recommendations are drawn for policy. Since women's educations has been more revealed to play an important role in reducing fertility and consequently population growth, the following policy issues with direct impact on fertility recommended include:
(i) The expansion of educational opportunities for girls at both primary and secondary or above.
(ii) Improvement in the quality of education provided at primary level is called forth.
(iii) Family planning promoters should educate people on the importance of prolonged
breastfeeding for the health of the infants.
(iv) A call is made to Family Planning Promoters to incorporate husbands in their programmes.
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Fertility, Human, Birth control, Tanzania, Mwanga district
Mpete, O. J (1994) Impact of education on marital fertility: a case study of Mwanga district rural, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )