Assessment of the flow of information on HIV among young people in Arusha Region in Tanzania



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University of Dar es salaam


The HIV/AIDS pandemic is one of the most presiding public health challenges facing developing countries today. Tanzania continues to be among the nation’s most severely affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. This research assessed the flow of information on HIV among young people in Arusha, Tanzania by (a) exploring the determinants of HIV information among young people; (b) examining the sources of HIV information among young people; (c) examining the utilization of HIV prevention methods among young people’ and (d) assessing the level of utilization of health facilities services among young people for HIV prevention. The study employed a mixed methods research design, in which both quantitative and qualitative research approach where used. The findings of this have revealed association between HIV information acquisition and numerous factors (the respondents’ sex and age respondents). The results have also shown that the main source of information on HIV, sexual and reproductive health were teachers. The results have revealed that there is better communication between young people and teachers than between young and parents. The results have also shown that the majority of young people used condoms during their first sexual encounter. For example, the findings revealed that 66 percent of respondents used contraceptive method during their first sex intercourse. The difference of proportion of condom use among age groups was statistically significant (p=0.022). Age and condom use at the last sexual intercourse declined with ageing and vice versa. Moreover, the results of this study revealed minimal utilization; of health facility services among young people. The findings, for example, showed that the majority of young people only visited health facilities for contraceptives or for treatment of STIs. In the light of the result of the results of this research, the researcher recommends a smooth flow of correct information on HIV among young people from multiple sources, including parents/guardians, teachers and other community members. The researcher also recommends appropriate provision of sexual and reproductive health education to young people as well as expanded coverage of young people’s reproductive health service needs in the community.


Available in print form, Eat Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library,(THS EAF P40.T34M388)


Flow of information, HIV /ADS, Arusha region, Tanzania


Nahato, P. D. (2018) Assessment of the flow of information on HIV among young people in Arusha Region in Tanzania,Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.