Factors influencing university libraries to join the Consortium of Tanzania University and Research Libraries (COTUL).
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University of Dar es Salaam
The study investigated the factors influencing university libraries to join the Consortium of Tanzania University and Research Libraries (COTUL). The study specifically strives to achieve the following objectives: Determine the extent of university librarian’s awareness of COTUL and its service; establish the members’ satisfaction with the services provided by COTUL; examine factors influencing university libraries to join COTUL; and find out practical strategies for addressing the factors that prevent some university libraries from joining COTUL. The study was conducted at Tanzania’s university libraries located in Dar es Salaam region. The mixed research methods design was applied in the study, with questionnaires and interviews being employed to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. A sample size of 99 respondents was drawn from six libraries, five COTUL executive members and six library directors. The study reveals that library directors were aware of COTUL as a consortium in Tanzania, with only a few librarians having some degree of awareness. The study also shows factors that prevent university libraries from joining the consortium were lack of funds, lack of awareness and lack of information related to COTUL. The study also shows that COTUL members are generally satisfied with the services provided by the consortium. In addition, the study found that there are number of challenges that undermine the consortium’s effective function such as delayed payments of subscription fees from consortium members and lack of a permanent office. As a result, more efforts should be exerted by COTUL executive officials towards ensuring that all university and research libraries join COTUL because of the accruing benefits aimed to advance research and scholarship. The study also recommends that awareness should be extended to all professional librarians and all public and private university libraries as well as the libraries’ top management. Furthermore, the government should support libraries by providing them with enough funding through the Commission for Science and Technology (COSTEC) to assist libraries subscribe to reputable international database.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF Z675.U5.T34H344)
Academic library, University library, Research library, Tanzania University and Research Libraries (COTUL)
Nuriati S. H. (2018). Factors influencing university libraries to join the Consortium of Tanzania University and Research Libraries (COTUL). Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.