Coping with domestic violence in rural Tanzania: realities, setbacks, and future prospects: a case of Bahi and Chamwino districts in Dodoma region
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study examined strategies used in coping with domestic violence in rural areas in order to discover and establish their viability and future prospects. The study was carried out in Bahi and Chamwino Districts in Dodoma Region, Tanzania. Overall, a total of 150 respondents participated in the study, including 40 from each district. Interviews were conducted with a few selected leaders of Non-Governmental organizations (NGO), Faith-Based Organizations (FBO), key informants and participants in Focus Group Discussions (FGD) members. Quantitative data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Excel computer packages. Qualitative data were analysed by using content analysis method. Generally, the study findings reveal that all 150 respondents were aware of domestic violence issues including coping realities and setbacks. The most common forms of domestic violence mentioned were sexual violence, physical violence, emotional violence, and lastly financial violence. In particular, the respondents mentioned that domestic violence was caused by a variety of factors such as: poverty, legal framework, cultural and traditional backgrounds, and consumption of alcohol, polygamy, and lack of education. Furthermore, the study findings showed that the problem of domestic violence had remained persistent due to lack of crucial services such as counselling, legal assistance, health provision and other forms of support to the victims. The coping strategies opted for by the victims of sexual, physical and emotional violence were almost the same whereby most victims of such abuses gound their complaints starting at the family level, especially to their parents. Only financial violence proved to be different whereby most victims filed for redress starting at the ward council. Considering the above, it is concluded by making recommendations to various actors including the Government, NGOs, and families and households. The Government needs to provide adequate financial resources to all institutions dealing with domestic violence for them to implement all measures in an integrated manner. NGOs need to extend their services to marginalized populations and peripheral areas and constantly provide gender sensitization through education and public awareness programme. Families should discard all elements of traditional norms, practices and stereotypes which legitimize and intensify the perpetuation of domestic violence. It is recommended that further studies be conducted to look into how coping strategies are afforded to the victims of domestic violence and examine the level of confidentiality attached to them.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HQ809.3.T34D47)
Family violence, Bahi district, Chamwino district, Dodoma region, Tanzania rural
Derick, S. (2014) Coping with domestic violence in rural Tanzania: realities, setbacks, and future prospects: a case of Bahi and Chamwino districts in Dodoma region, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.