Contribution of socialisation of teachers to teacher retention in Kinondoni public secondary schools, Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
Following the importance of and the challenges facing socialization of teachers in ensuring teacher retention in schools, this study examined the “Contribution of socialisation of teachers to teacher retention in Kinondoni public secondary schools”. The study was guided by four objectives: To examine the ways through which teachers are socialised in schools; To establish association between socialisation of teachers and teacher retention in schools; To examine the challenges facing socialisation of teachers in ensuring teacher retention in schools; and, to determine the strategies that can be used to address the challenges facing the process of teacher socialization for ensuring teacher retention in schools. On part of the research methodology, this study used mixed methods research approach and concurrent embedded design. Research instruments such as interview, focus group discussion and questionnaire were used to collect the required data for study. The study was conducted in Kinondoni district, in Dar es Salaaam region where by the sample size of 96 participants was involved in the study including the District Secondary Educational Officer (DSEO), 5 heads of public secondary schools, and 90 teachers. These participants were selected through purposive sampling, purposive random sampling and stratified purposive sampling technique. Qualitative data analysis was subjected to content analysis, where by Miles and Hiberman 1994 framework of qualitative data analysis was used in reducing, displaying, drawing and verifying conclusions of the data from interview and FGD. Quantitative data analysis was subjected to descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and Spearman’s correlation coefficient which were computed through SPSS. Based on the first objective, the research findings revealed that some of the ways through which teachers are socialised in schools are interaction and cooperation, induction, mentoring, and teachers’ informal organizations. Based on the second objective, the research findings revealed that socialisation of teachers has positive association with teacher retention in schools. Based on the third objective, the research findings revealed that some of the challenges facing socialisation of teachers in ensuring teacher retention in schools are poor leadership, lack of socialisation skills, and economic or financial problems. Based on the fourth objective, it was found out that some of the strategies for addressing the challenges facing socialisation of teachers in schools are having good leadership; provision of good induction programs and improving teachers’ allowances. Therefore, it is recommended that the ministry of education and public secondary schools should ensure that teachers are well socialised in order to increase teacher retention in schools.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB 2832.T34C42)
Contribution, retention
Charles, H (2019) Contribution of socialisation of teachers to teacher retention in Kinondoni public secondary schools, Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.