The impact of exchange rate variations on profitability and target set of mobile phones companies operating across the boundaries: the case of celtel operating companies in Tanzania, Kenya Uganda and Malawi
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The main objective of this study was to assess whether exchange rates variations have effects on the profitability and targets of Mobile Telecommunication companies operating in Sub Saharan Africa. Celtel operating companies in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and Malawi were taken as the case study. Celtel companies were taken because they have recognizable footprint in many countries in sub Saharan Africa compared to other companies. The research used the case study design to obtain necessary and required qualitative and quantitative data. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed. Propositions were developed from the study in line with the literature review. The study looked at the financial statements of selected Celtel Companies in the respective countries for the period of three years. The results obtained from the study established that exchange rates variation affects the profitability and targets of the mobile phone companies operating in sub-Saharan Africa. The study concluded that variations in the exchange rates do have significant impact on the profitability and targets of the companies that have cross border transactions, despite of all the hedging techniques that the companies use.