Assessment of factors affecting the hearing impaired students in inclusive classrooms: a case of inclusive secondary schools in ilala municipality, Dar es Salaam
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The study investigated the factors affecting the hearing impaired in inclusive classroom in secondary schools in Ilala district. The objectives of this study were to: examine the methods used in communicating with the hearing impaired as well as teachers' ability in teaching students with hearing impairments; identify the availability of materials or resources required to meet the needs of students with hearing impairments in inclusive classrooms; assess the government and parents involvement in implementing inclusive education; and investigate the difficulties that the hearing impaired face in their learning in inclusive classrooms. The study employed a mixed method approach whereby multiple methods of data collection such as interview, observation, questionnaire focus group discussions and documentary review were used. The study comprised seventy two (72) respondents including twenty-four (24) students, twenty four (24) teachers, two (2) heads of schools, ten (10) community members and twelve (12) parents. All qualitative data collected in this study were subjected to themes, correcting entry errors, coding and arranging them accordingly before presentation. Analysis techniques including categorizing data into important themes, correcting entry errors, coding and arranging them accordingly before presentation. Quantitative information in this study was analyzed statistically through tabulations and calculation of frequencies and percentage were presented with the aid of computer software programs, i.e. the Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 23 and Microsoft office excel. The study findings showed that teachers in inclusive classrooms rarely used appropriate methods in communicating with students with hearing impairments which included sign language, gestures and lip reading whereby most of the teachers were reported to have been writing on a piece of paper as an alternative to sign language. Moreover, the study revealed that teachers did not have the required knowledge and ability to teach students with hearing impairments in inclusive classrooms because the majority of them were reported to lack experience on special education. It was further noted that inclusive schools had inadequate supportive teaching and learning materials for students with hearing impairments to facilitate effective learning among them, including: visual and audio-visual materials, audio material and special materials. The study further revealed that the government and parents devoted less time in implementing inclusive classrooms. There was less contribution in terms of provision of teaching and learning materials and useful information were not provided by parents to teachers about their children with hearing impairments. Moreover, the study revealed a number of problems, which students with hearing impairments in inclusive classroom reported to be facing including: lack of sign language interpreters and poor cooperation. . It was also observed that regular students dominated all activities conducted in inclusive classroom. Therefore, a critical assessment concerning the aforementioned factors that affect the teaching and learning process in inclusive classrooms was required to enable better academic performance and success amongst hearing impaired in inclusive classrooms.