A study on the infrastructure and its impact on teaching and learning in primary schools: a case of Rungwe district.
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University of Dar es Salaam
The study sought to find out the infrastructure status and its impacts teaching and learning in primary Schools. Three research tasks were. To find out how the status of buildings availability in primary schools influence the teaching and learning; to examine the status of teaching/ learning materials and furniture in schools regarding their influence on the teaching and learning; and to explore the influence of the school environment on teachers` distribution, retention and punctuality in schools. A survey research design was employed in data collection and analysis Qualitative research approach was complimented by qualitative research approach in obtaining the required information. Qualitative data were presented through tables, ratios and percentages. A sample of 122 respondents that include 10 head teachers, 40 teachers, and 64 pupils, 1 DEO, 2 DSIs and 5 WECs was involved in getting the requisite data. Data were collected through observation checklists, documentary review, interview and questionnaire. The findings indicated that the government has played a great role in improving the infrastructure in schools. However, still there is a shortage of infrastructure in primary schools. Pupils are overcrowded in classrooms with the ratio of four pupils. The situation of textbooks for Mathematics, Kiswahili, English, Science and Vocational Skills is good with the ratio of three pupils per book. However, there is a serious shortage of textbooks for Geography, History, Civics, Personality and Sports and ICT. The teachers working conditions in rural areas is not conducive, a situation which demoralizes them. The study recommends that more effort be made by government in collaboration with other stakeholders to improve school buildings; particularly teachers' houses, and sanitary facilities, and to disburse more money for purchasing more textbooks. Moreover, social services should be improved in the rural areas to encourage teachers to report and remain in such areas.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB1776.T34T84)
Primary school teaching, Infrastructure status, Teaching and learning, Learning materials, School environment, Rungwe district, Tanzania
Tukosa, J. M. (2010). A study on the infrastructure and its impact on teaching and learning in primary schools: a case of Rungwe district. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.