Job designing in the civil service of Tanzania: the case of civil service department



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University of Dar es Salaam


Job design in the Civil Service of Tanzania has been ignored for a very long time posing a number of challenges to the Civil. Service Department particularly on the design of efficient and effective job yield most results. Civil Service jobs need to be properly designed so as to create more satisfying jobs to the job holders so as to raise the falling standards in the Civil Service. Job designing in the Civil Service has always been undertaken as structural changes that take place at the institutional level involving structural changes in the systems and procedures. This study was designed to examine the manner and extent to which job designing influence job satisfaction in the Civil Service. The study used both primary and secondary data. The result shows that importance is given to structural design of government departments and not individual job design. It was noted that job holders are not in any way involved in the design of their jobs and that the satisfaction level of the jobs they perform is low. The study offers an insight into future job design initiatives in the Civil Service of Tanzania and how the issue of job design is a important aspect of Human Resource Management


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Work design, Personnel management, Civil service department, Tanzania


Bakilana, G. B. (2002) Job designing in the civil service of Tanzania: the case of civil service department, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (