The assessment of service quality and HIV/AIDS patients’ satisfaction in non-profit organisations: the case of international center for aids care and treatment program (ICAP)

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University of Dar es Salaam
The purpose of this study was to examine the current situation or health services provided to HIV/AIDS patients at health facilities supported by the International Centre for AIDS Care and Treatment (ICAP). Medical personnel in health facilities lack consistence of quality service and maintaining level of patients’ satisfaction of services for the HIV/AIDS patients. The SERVQUAL questionnaire tool was specifically developed and used for this study and administered to a sample of 140 HIV/AIDS patients randomly selected from two ICAP operating regions. Five service quality dimensions in public health facilities were identified in this study. The first dimension was tangibility, 62.34% of the respondents agreed that ICAP supported Public health facilities are modem and visually appealing. The second dimension reliability, on this, 65% of the respondents agreed that medical personnel provide efficient and effective health services. The third dimension was responsiveness. Respondents agreed that medical personnel provided quality care of patients were 66.10%. Assurance was another dimension identified. Over 69 % of the respondents agreed that medical personnel in public hospitals/clinics were trustworthy with vivid professionalism. The last dimension was empathy, 69.40% of the respondents agreed that public health facilities gave individual attention and explains thoroughly one’s medical condition. Generally, from the findings it shows there is a positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Though the findings indicated that ICAP services were rated of high quality by respondents, it is recommended that ICAP should put more effort in order to maintain its service quality level and make sure it covers all the gaps which were found to be barriers for the provision of best service quality. Therefore, the study recommends ICAP to introduce 360 degree customer service performance management system, adopt quality management strategies while at the same time increase HIV/AIDS awareness campaign and increase HIV/AIDS clinics in the country.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (EAFTHSRA410.56.M84)
HIV/AIDS patients’ satisfaction, Non-profit organisations, International center for aids care and treatment program (ICAP)
Mulamula, Gloria(2011) The assessment of service quality and HIV/AIDS patients’ satisfaction in non-profit organisations: the case of international center for aids care and treatment program (ICAP) Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.