Adoption of mobile payment (m-payment) services in Tanzania opportunities and challenges: case study of M-Pesa and Zap. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at

dc.contributor.authorNasari, Vida
dc.descriptionAvailable in printen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research was aimed at assessing the extent of adoption of Mobile payment (M-payment) services In Tanzania by focusing on M-payment services offered by Vodacom and Zain namely, M-Pesa and Zap respectively. Specifically, the study aimed to establish the extent to which M-payment services have been adopted, challenges facing adoption of M-payment services and the opportunities brought about by adoption of M-payment services. The methodology used to conduct this study included the use of various data collection tools and techniques such as; administering questionnaires and conducting interviews. The study used primary data collection methods such as; observation, interviews and questionnaires. It also used secondary data collection methods such as documentation to collect data. The sample size was 20 customers from each network provider. The study was done on the Zain and Vodacom customers who use the M-PESA and ZAP services. The findings reveal that the extent of adoption of M-payment services has been growing exponentially for the past 30 months with the number of M-Pesa users outnumbering the number of Zap users. Also, the adoption of M-payment services has provided users with many opportunities such as; storing money for emergency uses, paying bills, transferring money and buying airtime. Challenges facing the adoption of M-payment services include; frequent system failures, frequent network problems, cash withdrawal problems whereby the researcher observed that many agents run out of cash and mistakes done by both, customers and agents especially in putting in wrong numbers and the customer is asked to follow up by him or herself. To address the challenges facing adoption of M-payment services offered by Vodacom and Zain (M-Pesa and Zap), the researcher recommends that Vodacom and Zain should recruit more agents countrywide to make the service more available and accessible, install new technology that allow users of M-payment services to access cash through ATMs, invest in the latest state of the art technology to minimize or eliminate system failures or network problems, offer frequent training and support to M-payment agents to overcome operations problems and recruiting more companies to use accept M-payments.en_US
dc.identifier.citationNasari, V. (2011) Adoption of mobile payment (m-payment) services in Tanzania opportunities and challenges: case study of M-Pesa and Zap. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Avaialable at
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Slaamen_US
dc.subjectElectronic bankingen_US
dc.subjectElectronic funds transfersen_US
dc.subjectMobile bankingen_US
dc.titleAdoption of mobile payment (m-payment) services in Tanzania opportunities and challenges: case study of M-Pesa and Zap. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at
