Teachers’ competence and challenges in implementing history competence based education curriculum in Temeke municipality secondary schools, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study set out to examine teachers’ competence and challenges in implementing history competence based education curriculum in Temeke Municipality secondary schools, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Specifically, it aimed, firstly, to investigate the level of awareness of teachers of history on implementation of competence-based history curriculum in ward secondary schools. Secondly, to find out history teachers views/opinions on the introduction and implementation of competence-based education in history curriculum. Thirdly, to identify challenges facing teachers of history and students on the implementation of competence-based history curriculum in ward secondary schools. The study employed mixed research approach and being informed by an embedded design to achieve the objectives of study. A total of 88 respondents participated in the study in which 1 was a zonal secondary school inspector for history subject, 4 heads of school, 23 were history teachers and 60 were Form Four students. On the other hand, purposive, stratification, and simple random sampling techniques were employed in obtaining the four (4) ward secondary schools and other respondents. Data were collected through questionnaires, interview schedule, observation schedule, documentary review and focus group discussion. The collected data were subjected to content analysis to produce a present report.The study findings revealed the following: Firstly, 80% of history teachers were unaware of what entails the competence based education curriculum as there was no training provided to them since it was introduced. Secondly, a number of challenges were revealed in the course of implementing competence based education in history curriculum. Some of these are teachers’ inadequate skills/knowledge to implement competence based lessons, inadequate teaching and learning materials, high teacher- student ratio and unbalanced student-book ratio, large number of students in classes, inadequacy of infrastructure, lack of motivation to teachers and lack of good communication among school administrators. The study concludes that history teachers’ inadequate skills/ knowledge in competence based and lack of T/L resources has resulted into poor implementation of competence based education in history curriculum. The study recommends that the concerned education authorities including MoEVT, TIE, REOs, DSEOs, School inspectors and heads of school should cooperate to prepare regular and effective training programme for history teachers on the implementation of competence based education curriculum.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF D16.4.T34D36)
History teachers, History, Curricular, Secondary schools, Temeke Municipality, Tanzania
Daniel, G, (2014) Teachers’ competence and challenges in implementing history competence based education curriculum in Temeke municipality secondary schools, Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam