The impact of mobile banking channel on bank performance: the case of CRDB Bank PLC in Tanzania
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Many industries in the world have been dominated by continuous innovation in order to survive in the market. The banking industry also has been characterized by competition that demands progressive innovations of financial products so as to achieve a higher level of customer-driven services. Specifically, to achieve their long-term objectives, commercial banks in worldwide have made efforts to diversify services that meet customer needs. Various research methods were used to collect primary data. Also, the study review literatures, to collect information from CRDB Bank plc related to types and usage of alternative banking services and performance as an outcome of alternatives banking channels. The present study has found that there is a positive trend on the performance of deposit growth rate, assets growth rate, increase in financial income, increase in operating income as an alternative banking (mobile banking) has been increasingly trusted by CRDB bank customers. The study has found that higher costs of installing alternative banking channels, increasing frauds, robbery and other related crimes, frequent innovative and technological change, insufficient infrastructures to deliver alternative banking channels and dependence on other service provider like mobile phone service providers which stand as the challengers to commercial banks toward adoption and usage of alternative banking channels in Tanzania. Therefore the alternative banking channels have been very important for commercial banks in serve a large number of their customers who hesitated to visit bank branches due to long queues. This effort has to be taken to ensure proper and effective adoption and implementation are sustained. Alternatives banking channels have become an important means to improve financial services performance increased in form of deposits, the source of service provider income, bring service close to customers and save cost for commercial banks transactions.