Supply chain management practices on innovation performance in Tanzania: the case of manufacturing industries

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University of Dar es Salaam
The objective of the study was to examine the relationship that exists between the supply chain management (SCM) practices and innovation performance in developing countries, Tanzania being the country of choice were the manufacturing industries were the point of focus. The total of 100 manufacturing industries was surveyed using a structured questionnaire, where probability sampling was used to determine the companies to be included for the sample. The study adopted a positivism research paradigm, only the primary data were used for analysis. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively using the multiple regression analysis to test the relationship between the SCM practices and innovation performance. SPSS was a useful package in the presenting the findings. The findings revealed that there is strong influence of the SCM practices on innovation performance, were strategic supplier partnership was ranked the first followed by the information sharing and IT, where customer relationship was the least influencer. There was statistical evidence to justify the all three hypotheses with a 95% confidence interval. The study provided insight to most of the practitioners in business to look at the way they should incorporate SCM practices to improve their innovative capabilities to curb the ever increasing challenges of the changing business environment to achieve growth and sustainable in the long-run. It provides grounds for the policy makers to review the best practices in the areas of SCM to create a good climate for the manufacturing industries to improve their IP.
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Business logistics, Delivery of goods, Management, Manufacturing industries, Tanzania
Wilson, V. G (2012) Supply chain management practices on innovation performance in Tanzania: the case of manufacturing industries, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam (Available at