Stakeholders’ perception of the functions of school inspection in secondary education in songea municipality
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University of Dar es Salaam,
This study was carried out to determine the stakeholders’ perception of the functions of school inspection in secondary education in Songea Municipality. The objectives of the study were to a) examine the stakeholders’ understanding of the roles of school inspection, b) investigate the challenges facing school inspection and c) examine the coping strategies that are used to address those challenges facing school inspection. The study was conducted in Songea Municipality in Ruvuma region. The study was conducted qualitatively and employed a multiple case study design. The target population included students, teachers, heads of schools, school inspectors (quality assurers) and the District Education Officer (DEO). The sample used in the study included sixty students, thirty teachers, six heads of schools, two school inspectors, and the DEO. This sample was obtained through purposive sampling technique and stratified random sampling technique. The instruments used by the researcher in collecting data from the field were focus group discussion which was mainly conducted to students, interviews which were conducted to teachers, heads of schools, inspectors and DEO and documentary review. The collected data were analysed through content data analysis. The findings revealed that school inspection was seen to be a very important instrument in improving the quality of secondary education in the country. The findings revealed further that all stakeholders were able to point out that the inspectorate department in the country is faced with a number of challenges that reduce its effectiveness and most of the challenges are associated with government failure to fund the whole process of assuring quality of education in schools. They also managed to describe various challenges facing school inspection process in the country. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education should allocate enough funds to inspectorate department so that it can manage to perform its activities effectively and efficiently while working independently and its activities being confined to district or regional level.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB2845.T34M553)
School inspection, School management and organization, Stakeholder perception, Secondary schools, Songea municipality, Tanzania
Mlelwa, E H (2017), Stakeholders’ perception of the functions of school inspection in secondary education in songea municipality,Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam