ICT access and utilisation to support learning activities of visually-impaired students at the University of Dar es Salaam
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University of Dar es Salaam
The main objective of this study was to assess the accessibility and usability of ICTs facilities to facilitate learning among visually-impaired students at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). Specific objectives were to identify types of ICTs facilities available, examine the extent to which ICTs are applied and identify factors constraining access to and use of ICTs. The study employed a mixed methods approach in gathering, processing and analysing quantitative and qualitative data. A survey was conducted at the UDSM main campus and the Dar es Salaam College of Education (DUCE). In all, 36 respondents participated in the study. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used to select respondents made up of students, transcribers and readers by using questionnaire, interviews and observations. Quantitative data were analysed by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16 whereas qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. The study found that ICTs support innovative learning, encourage independent learning, and promote participatory and collaborative learning. On the other hand, the units surveyed at the UDSM faced challenges such as insufficient special ICTs to cater for the needs of visually-impaired students, inadequate training on the use of special ICTs, and a shortage of ICT experts. There is also a necessity for the visually-impaired students’ education needs and wants to be met to engender effective learning. On the basis of these findings, the present study recommends that stakeholders should support, consolidate special education and ICT policies, and training on special ICTs to ensure there was a sustainable learning environment for students with visual impairment. Moreover, universities, responsible agencies and ministries should provide special education needs such as special ICTs for effective learning.
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People with visual disabilities, Information technology, University of Dar es Salaam
Eligi, I. J. (2015) ICT access and utilisation to support learning activities of visually-impaired students at the University of Dar es Salaam, Masters’ dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (