Assessment of community-based forest management and its impacts on forest resources and people’s livelihoods: the case of Njombe District, Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
This study aimed at examining the community-based forest management and its impacts on forest resources and people’s livelihoods in Njombe District. The study involved village forests of Chauyiva and Kilongo in Kidugala and Masaulwa villages, respectively. This study was carried out as a response to the fact that there is a conspicuous deficiency in many programmes, as most of them do not involve the beneficiaries in the process of planning, developing, implementing and evaluation of development projects. The data collection used included focus group discussion, observations/questionnaire and documentary review. Data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively and then presented in form of descriptions, tables, figures and photographs. The study established that there was partial involvement of the community in planning and decision making. Lack of willingness among some community members to participate in forest management activities was a big problem in both villages. Furthermore, shortage of human resources (lack of forest experts) in the study area hindered CBFM implementation. The study concludes that an overall impact of community based forest management on forest resources was somehow significant as the forest had regenerated from near extinct species of trees and plants, since the adoption of CBFM. This is due to reduced illegal harvest of trees and reduced fire occurrences in the village forest reserves. However, local communities have not yet felt tangible changes on the improvement of their livelihoods as they had not yet started harvesting the wood forest resources. It is recommended that in order for the CBFM to bring positive impacts on forest resources and people’s livelihoods local communities should be more involved in planning and decision making.
Available in print form, EAF Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF SD242.T34K33)
Forestmanagement, Citizen participation, Njombe district, Tanzania
Kaganga, L (2010), Assessment of community-based forest management and its impacts on forest resources and people’s livelihoods: the case of Njombe District, Tanzania, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.