Exploring skills developed from implementation of information and communication technology syllabus in teachers colleges: a case of Morogoro teachers college

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University of Dar es Salaam
The question whether the implementation of ICT syllabus of diploma student teachers prepare teachers with basic ICT skills and competencies for teaching remains an important global educational challenges in an era of information age. This Study explored ICT teaching skills developed from the implemented ICT academic Syllabus of diploma student-teachers in Tanzania. The study utilized public teachers College as unit of analysis to generate the body of knowledge of this study within the period between 2009 and 2013. The study aimed at informing ICT implementation practices in teachers college thereby contributing to better teaching and learning process in Tanzania. Using an integrated mixed methods and data collection methods and analysis, the study surveyed 80 respondents, conducted 20 key-person interviews and 3 focus group discussions across Morogoro Teachers College. Apart from collecting primary sources of data, secondary data was obtained from different sources including the University of Dar es Salaam library, Ministry of Education Vocational Training. Overall at total of 100 respondents were included in the study. The study findings revealed that the implementation of ICT academic syllabus for diploma in secondary education in Tanzania`s Teachers Colleges has enhanced student-teachers teaching, albeit, with the very little significant impact. This is because student teachers have not acquired the desired teaching skills required to nurture students in their learning process. Likewise, the competencies stipulated by the objectives of the ICT syllabus for student-teachers have never been clearly achieved. Basing on the findings, it is sound to conclude that the poor teaching skills and ICT competencies acquired by student-teachers are the result of lack of implementation strategy which is context specific. Also, the poor capacity of teaching ICT in Morogoro TC is one of the gaps that need to be addressed. ICT syllabus is not implemented accordingly due to inadequate funds to run ICT related activities, low level of ICT infrastructures, lack of ICT textbooks, unavailability of appropriate ICT teaching and learning materials as well as lack of motivated competent ICT staffs.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB2131.T34M853)
Teachers Colleges, Information technology, Curricula, Morogoro Teachers College, Tanzania
Mwelumbini, A.G.(2014) Exploring skills developed from implementation of information and communication technology syllabus in teachers colleges: a case of Morogoro teachers college.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.