Adherence to occupational safety and health requirements in computer related work environment in Tanzania: a case of Dar es Salaam region
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This study assessed the adherence to Occupational Safety and Health Requirements in Computer Related Work Environment in Tanzania and its study case was Dar es Salaam Region. The study sought to assess if the management was aware of the risks the workforce was exposed to and if there was anything done to sensitize and protect the workforce against such risks. To accomplish this task a descriptive research design was adopted. The area of study was Dar es Salaam Region focusing in the banking industry and institutions of higher learning. The purposive sampling technique was used in selecting specific banks and institutions of higher learning while for individual respondents the convenience sampling technique was used. Questionnaires and observation were used as instruments of collecting data which was finally analyzed using SPSS v16.0 software. It was done through frequency tables. The findings showed that there was no clause in the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2003 in Tanzania that addressed ICT and computer workers, all the organizations studied did not have internal ICT safety and health polices, management had little knowledge of risks in computer related work environment and the preventive measures of those risks, the work environment was not ergonomically safe and healthy and the workforce reported of health complications. The study recommends that the government should include the safety and health of computer users in the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers should be educated on ICT safety and health matters in order to provide safe and health working environment and lastly the computer training programs should contain a package on active behavioral and passive structural strategies for ICT user’s safety and health.